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Purchases that include a trade in may not qualify for full discount. Please contact us for more information.
Promotions valid only on in-stock products. Already discounted products are not eligible for additional discounts. Discounts not combinable with other coupons or special offers. Some products are not eligible for discount. Not valid on trials. Maximum discount $500.
Offers end at 11:59:59PM New York time on the date stated. Offer can be claimed only once per account. Offers can not be retroactively applied to previous orders. Offers can not be applied to open invoice or other deferred payment methods.
Unless otherwise stated, free shipping applies to web orders over $48 in the contiguous United States only. 2nd Day and Overnight extra. Additional charges for oversize items may apply. We reserve the right to choose your shipping method.
Some manufacturers have excluded select products from coupon offers and other promotional discounts.
Not valid on Fender, Friedman, Heritage, Marshall, and Tone King.