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    365 Ways of Practicing Major Scales in Thirds by: Javier Arau

    365 Ways of Practicing Major Scales in Thirds by: Javier Arau


    Regular price $18.00
    Regular price $18.00 Sale price $18.00
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    How many countless musicians have warmed up their instruments by mindlessly running through their major scales in thirds, working on muscle "memory" and not much else? Thirds have much more to teach us, and they deserve greater attention. A daily altered perspective on thirds, a constant reexamination from different angles, is certain to help in developing an understanding of the third as a melodic entity.
    365 Ways of Practicing Major Scales in Thirds includes musically intriguing and engaging variations that develop and alter rhythm, articulation, direction, and more. The book progresses from familiar "eighth notes as triplets" and "slur two, tongue two" variations through creative and valuable developmental and chromatic exercises.
    This book will facilitate rapid improvement of the ear, mind, and body, while simultaneously helping the musician discover inspiring possibilities and musical meaning behind one of music's most enriching scale patterns. For treble clef instruments.
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